When I walked into Molenvliet‘s reception area, I was absolutely blown away. The room was transformed into a botanical forest from corner to corner. It looked awesome. The ever creative Molenvliet crew in conjunction with Okasie managed to do something hallucinatory on this stormy, winter’s day in Stellenbosch.
Dirk & Lorraine told me during our planning session that they do not mind rain on their wedding day. That meant I was not suppose to mind too! I just had to start planning in advance and prayed for the best. We were given a very cold & quick break in the weather for most of the couple shoot that we used as best we could. Luckily Dirk & Lorraine were a lot of fun and braved the cold with the end product in mind. Well done guys – I believe it has been totally worth it! I hope you do too.
It was a wonderful way for me to finish off the exciting & successful 2012/ 2013 wedding season. And of course, a wonderful way for Dirk and Lorraine to start off their journey together. Enjoy and all the best!