Yesterday we had the intro. Now let’s quickly meet the lovely couple. Joe is originally from Nebraska, USA. He moved to Australia for his work and met Diane. She is a Mauritian who has been living and working in Australia for quite a while. They are both keen to move to Mauritius to live the good life whilst working internationally. These two, their family and numerous friends, have been extremely kind to me. I walked away feeling like one of the many special guests. It felt great – thanks all!
We originally planned this shoot for the day after the wedding. Since we were not sure what Imelda would do, we decided to use the sunny weather while we had it and shot this the day before. The aim was to recreate a couple shoot in beautiful scenery and some individual shots. As I didn’t have time to scout, we would drive, stop and shoot. I loved the impulsiveness of it all and it seemed like Joe and Diane did too.
Thank you so much to Sairah and Jeremy who gave up a lovely beach day and assisted on the shoot. You guys were awesome and great fun to hang out with. This would not have been the same without you guys. (And the mozzies would probably have eaten me alive in that forest without you guys as extra bait.)
Tomorrow we will feature the preparation for the wedding and the actual ceremony. Be sure to hit back. But here’s the pre-shoot. I love these!