Victoria Falls Wedding Photos
2016 started with a bang. It was 5 January. I just returned to the office from an early morning shoot and started my routine backups. Instead of tackling my inbox, I looked at my year calendar. I got married to Adri back in 2006 and knew that our 10 year anniversary was coming up in September. I needed to be proactive. Since I have met Adri, the one place that I’ve always wanted to take her, was the Victoria Falls. I visited it on a single backpacker trip from Lake Victoria to South Africa back in 2000. I wanted to take her there for our anniversary.
I searched for flights and couldn’t feel more discouraged. A single ticket to Vic Falls could fly me to Paris for the same price. There was no way I would be able to afford to get both of us there. I had to let go of the dream. For a day that was …
On 6 January, I received an email from an Oz guy called Stewart. It started with: “Colleen and I have been recommended to have a look at your photography site as a potential wedding photographer and we love your work! We are getting married in Vic Falls on Sunday, 4th September 2016 …” What!! I immediately replied with something random like “Pick me Pick me. Please!!” and the rest is history …

What an amazing couple! Their joy, honesty, love and realness made a huge impression on us. They are our kind of people. And so were all their lovely family and guests from all over the world. We all stayed at the amazing Victoria Falls Safari Lodge in the built up to the Sunday wedding. It started to feel like one big happy family having a great time together whilst overlooking an African waterhole. Thank you all for making us feel so welcome.
No one that was there will ever forget this experience. The wedding ceremony next to the Zambezi and the mad rush to the falls for photos before sunset must stand out though. Colleen must be the fastest long distance running bride I have seen in my life! As we were running, I told her it was quite normal on your wedding day. It wasn’t all true Colleen (sorry!). I needed to encourage her to keep going as we needed to cover a significant distance to get to the planned spots. It even included me having to carry her over a stretch of the river! So don’t be fooled – the 2 of them worked hard for these shots. They deserve a medal!
Thank you Thank you Thank you. That’s all I can say. It was better than what we could have imagined and a real blessing from above. All Glory to God the Creator whom I believe provided for both you guys and our dreams to become true. May He continue to be glorified through our lives.
I am sure I’ll see you soon again. I really hope so. Enjoy & blessings.

Victoria Falls Wedding Photos
Victoria Falls Wedding Photos by Wil Punt of Peartree Photography