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From Malawi to Switzerland | Family Shoot

Got time for a story?

Remember how Adri and I backpacked down from Kenya by public transport in 2004?  Remember the reason being the Danish photo exhibition in Esbjerg?  Well, on the way down through our continent, we pitched our tent next to Lake Malawi to rest for one night before travelling to take on Sapitwa Peak (3001m) on Mount Mulanje.  In the camp site, we were offered a ride by a lovely Swiss couple and their two stray dogs.  They overheard us talking about Mulanje and were heading in that direction.  The choice had to be made –  a Malawi taxi or a Hilux Bakkie.  Mmmm?    Of course we opted for the bakkie and accepted the offer knowing our bums would be proud of us.  Little did we know that this couple would become dear friends of ours and that we would go on to visit one another many times in the future.

We share so many dear memories.  Back in 2008 when Adri and I fell pregnant whilst climbing mountains in Europe, we specially travelled to them for support and advise.  We just couldn’t find any English literature on pregnancy in Italy.  So I phoned then from a dirty phone booth, jumped on an over night train from Levanto to Zurich and rocked up at their door.   We cycled on their bicycles to the hospital to meet Elih for the first time with our 7 week scan.  2 years later we shared the Ghana knock out of the 2010 World Cup at a local restaurant in Kayamandi.  What a night!  Numerous other evenings were spent together next to lakes and in mountains in South Africa.

And now we share this beautiful memory of one of their favourite spots in Europe where a beautiful river joins the Rhine.  I wonder what will be next guys!  Maybe that paradise island we’ve been talking about?  Looking forward to seeing you very soon again and for another adventure together.

All our love from a wild, beautiful & beloved Africa. waej

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