Top African Hindu Wedding
After spending a whole weekend with a group of people, one start to know and feel part of the group in a special way. Rishi & Rina’s Hindu wedding at the lovely Ashanti Estate is one I will not easily forget. Just look at these …

It all started at Melonchino at the V&A for the Mehndi on Friday. The group of people were all close family and friends enjoying a fun night together. Traditional dances and performers added to the vibe. Being from Zimbabwe, the Mapurisa tradition was also enjoyed by all and fun to photograph.

Saturday morning was an early start at Crystal Towers before heading off to Ashanti for the ceremony. Having photographed in India and another Hindu ceremony before, I expected all the different ceremonies and traditions. The immense heat of the day proofed quite a challenge to all, but nothing took away from the lovely day and experience.

We met again on Sunday for the formal ceremony. Everyone looked amazing (again), specially Rina! By this time she and Rishi were so used to the camera that we managed to pull off the best shoot of the weekend here. Thank you guys for lovely weekend with you, your fam & friends. I am sure we will meet again soon. For now, enjoy these memories and feel free to share it with all. Loved hanging with you guys this weekend!