“Eendag op ‘n reëndag, sal ek nog met jou trou”. Who could have imagined that it would all come true in absolute fullness …
I met Riaan at one of his friends’ wedding a couple of years ago. He immediately made an impression on me and we got on right from the start. I think this is probably what most people will say about this man. He is a very likeable character on whose good side you want to stay. Being an opera star, he is confident and easy within his skin. That makes for a great shoot already. See our smokey shot of him !
Lihana has 3 stunning boys who I really enjoyed photographing on the day. Her family is absolutely lovely and it was a privilege to meet them all. Her total realness showed and it fitted in with her man. As we did the couple shoot, I was amazed at how well these two got on and communicated. It was on another level. This will be a success story.
This was wedding #400 for me. I will probably never forget it. The day was dramatic in every sense of the word. The immense thunderstorm; such intense excitement; an intimate love for family and one another.
Riaan – you said I needed to get this done in 48 hours Like you, I have taken on the challenge and made it more like 8 hours before I travel. Enjoy these stunning memories. Riaan & Lihana – it has been an honour.

Wedding Belair Paarl
This was wedding #400 for me. I will never forget it. The day was dramatic in every sense of the word. The immense thunderstorm; such intense excitement; an intimate love for family and one another.
Riaan – you said I needed to get this done in 48 hours Like you, I have taken on the challenge and made it more like 8 hours before I travel. Enjoy these stunning memories. Riaan & Lihana – it has been an honour.